Divine Kinship

World Communion Sunday

By Rev Dana Seiler, October 01, 2023


Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Opening Song - “This is Amazing Grace” - Kelly & Will McGlenn

Time of Greeting

Children’s Message

Songs - “Blessed Assurance” and “Oceans”

Sermon - “Divine Kinship”

On World Communion Sunday we celebrate the in Christ and how Christ unites us all as brethren all around the globe.

As Christians, our brothers and sisters in this world are not strictly determined by blood relationships or defined by our family tree.

There is a kinship that connects all of us together as a body of believers.

If we Look beyond the walls of our church we share a divine kinship with every Christian in this .

This passage reminds us of the gift we have in something so simple as a that it can bring communities of all types together to talk about life-giving and eternal things.

Who is one person you could invite to a meal and help strengthen your connection with them?

Offering - Sue Dunlap



Closing Song - “Goodness of God”



Prelude - Jeff Perks

Welcome Rev. Dana Seiler

Call to Worship Sue Dunlap

  • Leader: We gather today in many places to worship as God’s people.
  • People: We come to worship the same God.
  • Leader: We celebrate our commonality - our hopes, joys, and dreams.
  • People: We come to worship our Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • Leader: We give thanks for tall that has led us to this time and place.
  • People: We come to worship the Holy Spirit.
  • Leader: Let us prepare our hearts for worship today.
  • People: We are ready to worship the God of all nations,
  • and ages, and places.

Hymn - “God of the Ages” - #262

Prayer of Confession
God of all ages, and nations, and races, we come today mindful of the ways we surround ourselves with those who are like us – who dress like us, and talk like us, and look like us, and think like us, and believe like us. We are wary of those who are different. Please forgive us when we keep ourselves in our own bubble and miss out on the blessings others can bring into our lives. Help us see every person as a fellow creation, someone we should cherish like a brother or sister, all in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Passing of the Peace

Anthem - “Come Away” Medema - Unity Choir

Sermon - “Divine Kinship” - Rev. Dana Seiler

On World Communion Sunday we celebrate the in Christ and how Christ unites us all as brethren all around the globe.

As Christians, our brothers and sisters in this world are not strictly determined by blood relationships or defined by our family tree.

There is a kinship that connects all of us together as a body of believers.

If we Look beyond the walls of our church we share a divine kinship with every Christian in this .

This passage reminds us of the gift we have in something so simple as a that it can bring communities of all types together to talk about life-giving and eternal things.

Who is one person you could invite to a meal and help strengthen your connection with them?

Anthem - “At the Table of the Lord” Althouse

Offering and Prayer



Affirmation of Faith
We believe in one holy, universal Christian church, the unity of the communion of saints of the entire human family. And we believe that this unity of the people of God must be manifest and active, in that we love one another; that we give ourselves willingly and joyfully to one another, that we all share one baptism, that we eat of one bread and drink of one cup, that we confess one name, one Lord, for one cause, with one hope, which is the height and the breadth and the depth and the love of Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Closing Hymn - “This is My Song”

