Season for Worship

Tis the Season

By Rev David Bonnema, November 26, 2023


Prelude - “Stjernesludd (Stardust)” - Jeff Perks

Welcome - Rev. David Bonnema

Lighting the Advent Candle - The Campbells

Opening Song - “Unspeakable Joy” - Makenzie Loudermilt

Time of Greeting

Children’s Message

Songs - ”10,000 Reasons” and “Goodness of God”

Sermon - “Tis the Season for Worship”

“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to him.” —Matthew 2:2

The earliest expressions of church included five elements of worship:

  1. Times of prayer
  2. Times of
  3. The Lord’s Table
  4. A time of offering
  5. A reading and interpretation of the Word

Be filled with the Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making to the Lord in your hearts. —Ephesians 5:18b-19

The largest book in the Bible is the book of Psalms. All of the psalms were meant to be sung as songs of praise to God. Here’s an example from King David:

Bless the Lord, O my soul,     and that is within me,     bless his holy name. —Psalm 103:1

Glory to God...that's what worship is all about.

Offering and Prayer - Leslie Matz

Closing Song - “Glory in the Highest”



Prelude - “Stjernesludd (Stardust)” - Jeff Perks

Welcome - Rev. David Bonnema

Lighting the Advent Candle - The Campbell Family

Call to Worship - Leslie Matz

  • Leader: Christ, God’s gift to the world, shall come:
  • People: Those who feel despair will know hope.
  • Leader: Those who are oppressed will know freedom.
  • People: Those who are lonely will know love.
  • Leader: Those who are suffering will know inner peace.
  • People: Let us rejoice today with hearts full of hope!

Hymn - “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus” - 2 Verses #2

Prayer of Confession
God of Promise, there are times when we lose our hope. The world is a hard place to live and it teaches us many harsh lessons. There are times where we do not believe that what lies before us could be anything close to beautiful. We don’t remember Your promises to provide us with mercy and strength and love. Help us to be people of hope, who live in the light of Christmas with the certainty that the darkness will not overcome us, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Passing of the Peace

Anthem - “Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal” Parker - Unity Choir

Sermon - “Tis the Season For Worship” - Rev. David Bonnema

“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to him.” —Matthew 2:2

The earliest expressions of church included five elements of worship:

  1. Times of prayer
  2. Times of
  3. The Lord’s Table
  4. A time of offering
  5. A reading and interpretation of the Word

Be filled with the Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making to the Lord in your hearts. —Ephesians 5:18b-19

The largest book in the Bible is the book of Psalms. All of the psalms were meant to be sung as songs of praise to God. Here’s an example from King David:

Bless the Lord, O my soul,     and that is within me,     bless his holy name. —Psalm 103:1

Glory to God...that's what worship is all about.

Anthem - “He Never Failed Me Yet” Ray - Unity Choir

Offering and Prayer

Doxology - “O Come Let us Adore Him”

Affirmation of Faith - by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing - We believe that God has come to us as a little child, making our weakness his strength, securing our salvation by becoming one of us, blessing us with unending love, filling our hearts with joy to be shared with one another. We believe that God has birthed righteousness into the world, giving us a law that will be written upon our hearts, making the cause of the oppressed the highest priority, declaring an everlasting reign of peace, and defeating the power of pain and suffering. We believe that God calls us to participate in this reality of love, inviting us to proclaim Christ’s resurrection to others, transforming us as disciples to go out into the world, sending us forth to announce his kingdom of peace and comfort, challenging us to see everyone as nothing less than beloved children. This we believe.

Closing Hymn - “Angels We Have Heard on High” - 3 verses #23

