The Living Lord's Supper

Maundy Thursday 2024

By Unity Drama Ministry, March 28, 2024

Chiming the Trinity

Prelude - “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” arr. Wilson - Jeff Perks

Lighting the Candles - Ann Lampron

Call to Worship - Rev. Dana Seiler

  • Leader: A table is set before us. A feast is prepared for us.
  • People: A meal of bread and wine, of meat and bitter herbs.
  • Leader: The Lord calls us to this supper of remembrance.
  • People: The Lord calls us to serve and to be served.
  • Leader: As we break the bread and share the cup,
  • People: our understanding may fail us.
  • Leader: But we will never forget Christ’s example.
  • People: We will never forget the full extent of his love.

Opening Hymn - “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” - #101 v. 1, 3, 4

Welcome and Introduction - Rev. David Bonnema

Scripture Reading - Mark 14: 12-16


Jesus - Chris Koehler

Hymn - “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” - #98 v. 1

Nathaniel/Bartholomew - Joe Lampron

Matthew - Ken Sipes

James, the son of Alphaeus - Tim Easterling

Anthem “When You Prayed Beneath the Tree” arr. Larson - Women’s Choir

James, the brother of John - Chris Easterling

Andrew - Blake Schell

Thomas - Michael Jarolim

Solo - “Panis Angelicus” - Ryan Harrison

Judas Iscariot - Bud Freeman

Phillip - Peter Alford

Thaddeus - Doug Phillips

Solo - “Come Unto Him” from “Messiah” - Kathryn Graham

John - Ian Leith

Simon the Zealot - Greg Conrad

Peter - Marty Smith

Hymn - “Were You There?” - #102 v. 1

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Tonight, we receive communion by the ancient method of intinction. Please exit your pew to the left, come to the station at the front, receive the bread, dip it in the cup, and take both elements together before circling around to your seat. If walking is an issue, please remain seated and we will bring the elements to you. If you are at home, we invite you to gather your own supplies of bread and juice and join us in this sacrament.

*Closing Hymn - “Lamb of God” - #2113 STF - 3 Verses

Extinguishing the Candles - Ann Lampron


Please depart in silence.

Our thanks to the following for making this worship service an occasion that honors Jesus Christ:

  • Greg Conrad for serving as our director;
  • Sam Sipes for her production assistance;
  • Ann Lampron for serving as our stage manager;
  • Our audio/visual team: Chris Smith, Janeen Dishman, Samuel Foster, and Ann Lampron
  • All of our actors listed above, plus Ginny Preston, Kim Nichols, and Beverly Gordon who served the disciples at the table.