A Risk-Taking Faith

Divine Disruptions

By Rev. David Bonnema, June 30, 2024


Welcome - Rev. David Bonnema

Opening Song - “House of the Lord” - Makenzie Loudermilt

Time of Greeting

Children’s Message

Song - “Goodness of God”

Reflection on Risk

Song - ”Revelation Song”

Sermon - “A Risk-Taking Faith”

Every big decision in faith carries some risk. How will Obadiah respond?

Now the famine was severe in Samaria, and Ahab had summoned Obadiah, his palace administrator. Obadiah was a devout  in the Lord. —1 Kings 18:2b

Elijah tells Obadiah to present himself to King Ahab “Yes,” he replied. “Go tell your master, ‘ is here.’” —1 Kings 18:8

Why is this so risky?

Obadiah objects “Yet I your servant have worshiped the Lord since my . Haven’t you heard, my lord, what I did while Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord? I hid a hundred of the Lord’s prophets in two caves, fifty in each, and supplied them with food and water. And now you tell me to go to my master and say, ‘Elijah is here.’ He will kill me!” —1 Kings 18:12:b-14

Obadiah is asked to risk his life. What risks do we face today?

Whatever the risk— give God the opportunity to prove God’s faithfulness.

Offering - Rev. Dana Seiler

Closing Song - “10,000 Reasons”




Welcome - Rev. David Bonnema

Call to Worship - Rev. Dana Seiler

  • Leader: Come, let us praise the God of possibilities.
  • People: Let us sing and shout for joy.
  • Leader: In difficult times, we have strength from Christ.
  • People: When we think there is no hope, God gives us promise.
  • Leader: Let us worship the God who is always with us.
  • People: We give thanks to God for all God’s blessings.

Opening Hymn - “Come People of the Risen King” - 3 Verses

Prayer of Confession
God of Grace, we usually know the right thing to do, but sometimes we don’t want to do it, especially when it is hard. We know it could cost us something – our time, our resources, or the very course of our lives. We like the easy, comfortable way. Help us to see that often the harder path is the one that produces the best results; that doing Your will is not always easy, but always possible with the help of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray today, Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Passing of the Peace

Reflection on Risk

Anthem - “Hills and Valleys” - Duren Unity Choir

Sermon - “A Risk-Taking Faith” Rev. David Bonnema

Every big decision in faith carries some risk. How will Obadiah respond?

Now the famine was severe in Samaria, and Ahab had summoned Obadiah, his palace administrator. Obadiah was a devout  in the Lord. —1 Kings 18:2b

Elijah tells Obadiah to present himself to King Ahab “Yes,” he replied. “Go tell your master, ‘ is here.’” —1 Kings 18:8

Why is this so risky?

Obadiah objects: “Yet I your servant have worshiped the Lord since my . Haven’t you heard, my lord, what I did while Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord? I hid a hundred of the Lord’s prophets in two caves, fifty in each, and supplied them with food and water. And now you tell me to go to my master and say, ‘Elijah is here.’ He will kill me!” —1 Kings 18:12:b-14

Obadiah is asked to risk his life. What risks do we face today?

Whatever the risk— give God the opportunity to prove God’s faithfulness.

Anthem - “As the Deer” - Wilson


Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer


Affirmation of Faith - The Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Closing Hymn - “Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus” -Verses 1, 3, 4

