Is the path I’m on right now going to take me to the destination I want to arrive at? Change is inevitable in 2025, but growth is optional. Pursuing God is the key to growth! You can be as close to God as you want or as distant as you will allow in 2025. 3 things we want you to commit to this year. 1. Commit to read through the Bible this year. 2. Join us in our 21-Day fast. 3. Set daily appointments for prayer and worship. Jeremiah 17:9 A God without requirements produces a Christianity without sacrifice. Christianity without sacrifice produces forgiveness without repentance. Pursue God like you have never pursued him before! Proximity to God is the cure for everything. Jeremiah 29:11 Jeremiah 29:12-13 (AMP) You will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear your voice and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and you will find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. When you find him you find divine direction. In the Hebrew, the words seek and find, give a picture of a well-worn path. You can create a well-worn path to God through Fasting and Prayer! Hebrews 11:6 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 Fasting and prayer are about subduing your flesh and, more importantly, submission to the Holy Spirit. Fasting and prayer are our weapons to defeat the flesh. Mark 2:18-22 THE RESULTS OF BIBLICAL FASTING: Deliverance and the breaking of demonic powers (Matthew 17:20-21) Spiritual protection from the attacks of the enemy (1 Samuel 7:1-8) The breaking of oppression and spiritual bondage (Isaiah 58:6) Favor, influence and authority (Daniel 1:12-20) Physical healing (Isaiah 58:8) Humility which leads to promotion(Psalm 35:13,1 Peter 5:6) The overthrowing of the enemies’ plans (Esther 4:16) The rescue and healing of a nation (2 Chronicles 7:14) An increase of the power of God in our lives (Luke 4:1, 14) New open doors of ministry (Acts 13:1-3) Clear direction for our future (Ezra 8:21, 23) 3 Keys to getting divine direction 1. Fast and pray before you attempt to navigate this next season of your life. Don’t get into self navigation! Clarity comes when you humble yourself, quiet your soul and wait on God. Ezra 8:21-23 2. Lose your agenda and wait in the presence of God until he reveals His plan. Acts 13:1-3 What would happen if you lost your agenda let the Holy Spirit lead you? 3. Use your weapons of fasting and prayer to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves (“the littles”) The Hebrew word means those who cannot keep up, those who trip when they are attempting to stay with the adults. The most powerful form of prayer is praying for someone else. The most powerful form of fasting is fasting for someone else. Read Isaiah 58 Nehemiah 4:14 Fast and pray for the next 21 days for our littles!