Living Sacrifices

By John Conn, October 01, 2023

Our focus today is on Romans 12:1, where the apostle Paul exhorts us with these words:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Some versions use the words Urge, Beseech, Call, exhort, and plead.

These words hold within them the essence of our Christian journey—a journey of surrender, dedication, and a life wholly offered to our loving God.

  1. The Appeal by God's Mercy: Paul begins with an appeal, not a command. He implores us “by the mercies of God.”
  1. Present Your Bodies: The apostle calls us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. This is not about a physical sacrifice but rather a spiritual one. It's about yielding every part of our being—our thoughts, actions, desires, and talents—to God. It's a call to consecrate ourselves entirely to His service.
  1. Living Sacrifice: Unlike the Old Testament animal sacrifices that were offered once and for all, we are to be “living” sacrifices. Our commitment to God is continuous and ongoing. It means that every day, in every situation, we seek to honor God with our lives. Our sacrifices are the choices we make, the love we show, the way we serve others.
  1. Holy and Acceptable to God: Our lives as living sacrifices are to be holy and acceptable to God. Holiness implies being set apart for God's purposes, living in a way that reflects His character. Acceptability signifies that our worship is sincere, coming from a heart surrendered to God, and not just outward rituals.
  1. Spiritual Worship: Paul tells us that presenting our bodies as living sacrifices is our “spiritual worship.” This means that our worship is not confined to a place or a time; it encompasses every aspect of our lives. Our daily choices, our interactions with others, our work, and our service are all acts of worship when done in obedience to God.