"His Love Endures Forever!"

By Rev. Aaron Austin, April 24, 2022

Scriptural Focus – Psalm 118:14-29

This is my psalm, my chosen psalm. I love them all; I love all holy Scripture, which is my consolation and my life. But this psalm is nearest my heart, and I have a peculiar right to call it mine. It has saved me from many a pressing danger, from which nor emperor, nor kings, nor sages, nor saints, could have saved me. It is my friend; dearer to me than all the honors and power of the earth. – Martin Luther

• This psalm is psalm. (Psalm 118:14)

• This psalm is psalm (Psalm 118:26-27)

• This psalm is psalm (Psalm 118:23)

Our praise declares, in the face of alternative views of reality, that the source of salvation and the hope for the world is God and God alone.

• This psalm is for the to hear

A song of : "This is the day the LORD acted.” (Psalm 118:24 CEB)

Further Reflection:

  1. Re-read Psalm 118 several times. What phrases resonate with you the most?
  1. Is it possible for someone to know God’s great salvation without going through a dramatic life crisis? How? Is this your story?
  1. In what ways have you experienced God’s enduring love?
  1. Think of times in which it may have been difficult to see God’s love. What got you through (Or what is getting you through)? How does this reveal to you about God’s love and grace?
  1. Consider how your “voice” can declare God’s praises each day and note a few ideas below that you can try to incorporate into your daily habits?