Scriptural Focus: Matthew 4:1-11 The most kind of temptation is that which appears to be something The foundational question that Jesus was answering as he faced the tempter in the wilderness was Temptation #1: What will you do for “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Temptation #2: What will you do for "If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down…." Temptation #3: What will you do for "All this I will give you, ...” The enemy of God would love to put blinders on God’s people, to keep our vision BUT GOD CALLS US TO OPEN OUR EYES AND HEARTS TO A GREATER VISION - A VISION OF ! HAVE YOU EVER RECOGNIZED A TEMPTATION YOU FACED THAT APPEARED TO BE GOOD AT FIRST, BUT UPON FURTHER REFLECTION WAS ACTUALLY NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO? DESCRIBE. IMAGINE YOU ARE THE ONE FACING THE TEMPTER IN THE WILDERNESS. REFLECTING THE 3 QUESTIONS LISTED IN THE SERMON NOTES, WHAT MIGHT HIS CHALLENGES TO YOU BE? IN WHAT WAYS HAVE YOU ACTUALLY FACED THOSE TEMPTATIONS IN YOUR OWN LIFE? CONSIDER HOW YOU CAN USE THIS SEASON OF LENT TO COME TO A GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF HOW GOD WOULD HAVE YOU ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS. JOURNAL A PRAYER.