Scriptural Focus: Luke 10:25-37 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Luke 10:25 To which scriptures did the “expert in the law” point to answer his own question? 6:4-9 19:18 “Who is my neighbor?” is a question that sets us up to (exclude/include) certain people. Blessing Our Community begins by asking the right question: “Who am I being a to?” How can I live out my life faithfully and righteously before God and others? How can I rightly God …how can I rightly my neighbor? Jesus shows us in the story of the Samaritan of how to rightly treat other people. And he says to us: “ and likewise.” (Luke 10:37) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ASKING THE QUESTIONS “WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR?” AND “WHO AM I BEING A NEIGHBOUR TO?” ARE THERE PEOPLE THAT YOU HAVE TENDED TO VIEW BEYOND WHOM YOU MIGHT CONSIDER TO BE A “NEIGHBOUR”? WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS? HOW MIGHT GOD BE LEADING YOU TO ANSWER THE QUESTION “WHO AM I BEING A NEIGHBOUR TO?” CAN YOU THINK OF WAYS TO BE A NEIGHBOUR TO SOMEONE THIS WEEK? JOURNAL A PRAYER