Scriptural Focus: Luke 10:25-33 “To see or not to see? That is the question!” Those who “see” in the story remind us of who we are called to be: Called to People into God’s Love. (Priest) Called to People with God’s Love. (Levite) Called to People with Eyes of Compassion (Samaritan) Jesus had eyes of compassion: “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat." Mark 8:2 How can we develop eyes of compassion? • How can I bring this person into God’s presence? • How can I serve this person? • How can I show this person that they are seen and deserving of love and compassion? IN WHAT WAYS DO YOU SEE LIMITS IN YOUR CAPACITY TO “SEE” PEOPLE WITH EYES OF COMPASSION? IN WHAT WAYS DOES GOD PREPARE YOU TO BE HIS PRESENCE IN A NEEDY WORLD? HOW CAN YOU NURTURE GOD’S PRESENCE IN YOUR OWN LIFE? WHAT MIGHT NEED TO CHANGE IN YOUR ROUTINES OR HABITS THAT WILL GIVE YOU MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO “SEE” PEOPLE AND ASK THE QUESTION: “HOW CAN I SERVE THIS PERSON? My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done; Leave countless marks for good or ill, ere sets the evening sun. This is the wish I always wish, the prayer I always pray: Lord, may my life help other lives it touches by the way. (source unknown) JOURNAL A PRAYER