The Call to Strive Together For the Sake of the Gospel

Romans 15:14 – 21

By Pastor Terry Janke, May 28, 2022

For I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience – by word and deed… and thus I make it my ambition to preach to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation. – Romans 15:18

Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel. – Philippians 1:27

The world needs nothing more than to see the worth of Christ in the work and words of his Godbesotted people. This will come to pass when the church awakens to the truth that the saving love of God is the gift of himself, and that God himself is the gospel. - John Piper, God is the Gospel

Striving together for the sake of the gospel means:

  1. Serving as Priests of God / Gospel (15:15 – 16)
2. Taking Pride in our Work for God / Gospel (15:17 – 18)
3. Depending on the Power of God / Gospel (15:19)
4. Being moved by Passion for God / Gospel (15:20 – 21)

Study and Discussion Questions: The Call to Strive Together For the Sake of the Gospel

Romans 15:14 – 21

Open It

  1. What foreign culture interests you most? Why?
  2. What factors influence a person’s calling or vocation in life?

Explore It

  1. How did Paul describe the Christians at Rome? (15:14)
  2. How did Paul understand his own mission? (15:14-16)
  3. Why did Paul preach to the Gentiles? (15:16)
  4. What was Paul’s “priestly duty”? (15:16)
  5. What was the only thing that Paul was willing to speak of? (15:18-19
  6. To what did Paul credit his success in evangelism? (15:18-19)
  7. What was Paul’s ambition? (15:20)

Get It

  1. What various tasks does God give to people like us to serve Him?
  2. What has God given you to use in serving Him?
  3. For what do you want to be known?
  4. When would being proud of your work for God be a sin?
  5. What demographic in your community have not had enough opportunity to hear the gospel?

Apply It

  1. At this point in your life, what could you do to determine whether your vocation is in line with God’s desires for your life?
  2. How can God best use you as a witness, both this week and in the future?