Paul’s Missionary Letter to Rome: The Call to Strive Together

Romans 15:22 – 33

By Pastor Terry Janke, June 05, 2022

I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain, and to be helped on my journey there by you once I have enjoyed your company for a while. At present, however, I am going to Jerusalem bringing aid to the saints… For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings. – Romans 15:24 – 25, 27

Were he (Paul) among us today, he would call for our active resistance to all that hinders the ongoing missionary purpose of God — the powers in religious structures (‘ologies’), in intellectual structures (‘isms’), in moral structures (codes and customs), and in political structures (the tyrant, the market, the school, the courts…). The good news our generation needs to hear includes the breaking in of the kingdom of God by the One who renders all opposing forces inoperative… Jesus Christ! Arthur A. Glasser, Perspectives

  1. Paul’s Priorities in Ministry (15:8 – 33)
  1. To preach the gospel (Acts 20:24; Rom. 1:16; 15:20)
b. To preach where Christ was not known (Rom. 15:20; 2 Cor. 10:16)
c. To preach to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15; Rom. 1:15; 11:13; Gal. 1:15 – 16; Eph. 3:8) i. That they might glorify God (15:8)
ii. That they might be sanctified (15:16)
iii. That they might be brought to obedience (15:18)
iv. That they might share Spiritual Blessings (15:27)
  1. Paul’s Plans to Travel (15:22 – 29)
  1. Jerusalem
b. Rome
c. Spain (15:24)
  1. Paul’s Prayer Requests (15:30 – 33)
  1. Deliverance from unbelievers
b. Acceptance among believers
c. Opportunity to visit Rome

Study and Discussion Questions:

Open It

  1. Have you ever been on a mission trip that had a change of plans? How did you respond to that?
  2. If a friend had $10,000 to donate to a good cause and asked you for advice, what would you recommend?

Explore It

  1. Where was Paul planning to travel? (15:23-24)
  2. Why was Paul planning to visit Rome? (15:23-25)
  3. How did Paul want the Roman Christians to help him? (15:24, 30-32)
  4. What was Paul’s immediate destination? (15:25)
  5. What was Paul taking to Jerusalem? (15:26)
  6. What had the Jews done for the Gentiles? (15:27)
  7. How did Paul explain why Gentiles should give financial assistance to Jews in Jerusalem? (15:27)
  8. What would Paul bring with him when he visited Rome? (15:29)
  9. For what did Paul ask the people to pray? (15:30-32)

Get It

  1. Do you have a holy ambition? What is the greatest thing you would like to accomplish in life?
  2. How can our plans to serve God be hindered?
  3. How can we help fellow believers and missionaries?

Apply It

  1. What can you do this week to help another believer / missionary struggling with a burden?