It is as You Said – Jesus Stands Trial Before Pilate

Matthew 27:1-26

March 24, 2024

Sermon Outline:

“I have sinned . . .” Repentance and Reconciliation

“I’m innocent . . .” Guilt Free and Unaccountable

“You have said so . . .” = Our King and Redeemer

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share a story of when godly grief has led you to repentance.
  1. How do you usually handle guilt? What do you think God’s intended purpose for guilt is?
  1. When have you hesitated to make a decision because you were afraid of the consequences?

    What advice would you give yourself now if you could go back in time?

  2. What attitudes, emotions, or perspective must a person have in order to stay calm while being attacked?

    Why do you think Jesus was so calm before His accusers?

  3. In what situations do you need to quit arguing and defending yourself – trusting God to be your advocate?