
Jonah 2

By Bruce Hollins, January 19, 2025

“The Star of the East”:

Jonah 1:17 - “And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.”

A Fish? A Whale? The Loch Ness Monster?

“…the Lord had prepared…”

Unpacking Jonah Chapter 2:

Jonah 2:1-3

The phrase, “I called…”

The phrase, “I cried…”

Jonah 2:4-6

“…your holy temple.”

“…the roots of the mountains.”

Jonah 2:7-10

Jonah’s realization and God’s mercy


Questions to Consider: God never gave up on Jonah. What does this chapter reveal to us about God's character?

In what ways have you been like Jonah?
How does this chapter give us hope?