The Fuel of the First Church Part II

Acts 2:42

By Pastor Craig Phelps, January 14, 2023

Introduction – Last week we got a glimpse at this first church that was flourishing there in Jerusalem. We took a look at what fueled the church then and what should fuel the church now. We saw the fuel of the Word that guides us. We saw the fuel of the fellowship, the community or the brotherhood of believers and what bound them together. This morning we will focus on the latter part of verse 42 where we see two more things that fueled this first church. Luke writes that they continued steadfastly…

42c in the breaking of bread,

1. They were fueled by the of Jesus.

What did the Lord’s Supper remind them of and how did it spur them on to do great things?

• They were mindful of the of Jesus

• They were mindful of the of Jesus

• They were mindful of the of Jesus.

42d and in prayers.

2. They were fueled by .

How do we treat prayer like a fire extinguisher?

Now that we are children of God, how should we approach God our Father in prayer?