Introduction –This morning I want to speak to the men and even all of us about having godly priorities in our lives. Our text will be from Ephesians 5 and 6 where Paul lays out the framework for the family. Priority #1: Our relationship with . Ephesians 5:1-2 As children of God we are to imitate God our Father. Jesus as the Son of God is our model of love and sacrifice. Ephesians 5:3-13 How do we do this? We are to flee from the darkness and all its deeds. We are to walk or live as children of the light. We are to be founded on truth, which flows from God and His Word. Ephesians 5:14-21 If you do not know Jesus as your Savior then you do not have the light that is needed. Ephesians 5:22-33 Priority #2: Our relationship with our . We are to lead our homes with Christ as our model of love and sacrifice. This involves leading her in the Word so that she might be sanctified. You are to be one with her as you are one with God. We are to serve in mutual submission to the Lord and to each other. Ephesians 6:1-4 Priority #3: Our relationship with our . Loving your children means loving your spouse first in submission to God. We are to train them in the Lord. We are to encourage them in the Lord. This requires personal intimate meaningful time with them. You are the first father they will know and this impacts how they view God as Father. Conclusion: Fathers, as the head of your family, you need to look to God first and foremost in all things. Then look to your wife and love her like Jesus, through sacrifice. Nourish her and care for her and guide her in the Word that together through mutual submission to each other as unto the Lord you might raise up children that come to know God and put Him first in their lives. If we do this, we will have accomplished the greatest and most important of all things.