The Heavens Declare Your Glory

Romans 10:18

By Pastor Craig Phelps, July 01, 2023

Introduction- People make excuses for things all the time, some are good and some are bad. In our text today we will learn that no one can say they have not heard when they stand before the Lord at the judgement.

18a But I say, have they not heard?

Excuse #1 : I have not .

18bYes indeed:

• How have they heard?

  • They had the P .
  • They had the F .
  • They had the C .
  • They had the Pr .
  • They had the L .

• All these things pointed them to but what they heard did not them to believe the truth about their real need, a savior.

• Amazingly, Paul does not use any of those facts to show they have heard.

18c “Their sound has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.”

• In some way, has heard.

• Paul is quoting .
• This is the general revelation of and not the special revelation given to the Jews.
• This revelation is enough for all to recognize God and give Him and .
• If they do not, their hearts will be (Rom 1:19-21)
• If they do, I believe God will them with the necessary light to be saved.

The creation is enough for us to know that God exists.

Cosmological Argument

  1. The universe had a . There was a time when it was not.
  2. Everything that happens has a . Something does not come from nothing.
  3. Something not of the universe had to cause it to happen.
  4. This cause is God.

Teleological Argument - The order and precision and purpose of the universe tell us that there must be a behind it all. That designer is God.

Conclusion: The creation is enough for us to recognize God. No one can say they have not heard. If we will seek Him faithfully, then He promises that we will find Him.