Calling Out the Called

By Marty Childers, August 06, 2023

August 6, 2023

Calling out the Called

All through the Bible God has called men and women into special service or roles.

  1. There seems to be a downward turn in the number of individuals who are sensing a call to Vocational Christian _________________.

  2. In 1992 almost 1/3 of all pastors were under 40, but in 2017 only ______ were under 40.

  3. The median age of pastors in 1992 was 44, but in 2017 it was _______.

  4. The world population today is over _____________________.

  5. Someone from the IMB said a few years ago that more people are on the planet today than all the people who ever lived before ________.

Matthew 9-35-38-10:1-2

Where did Jesus go according to Matt.9:35?

Jesus gave us a pattern here in the text. If we are to live on mission that implies ______________.

Going on mission trips are great, but living a ____________ ________ is better.

Jesus proclaimed a message, what was that message?

The Gospel story is simple but it is also _____________________.

Beautiful Gospel conversations are waiting to happen but we must be _____________________.

Compassion means to feel _________ for someone or someone’s situation.

Jesus said the harvest is _________________but the laborers are ________________.

Verse 38 is sometimes overlooked, Jesus gives us the answer to what we need to do about the problem of not enough workers.

Jesus says, _________ to the Lord of the Harvest.

Sometimes we don’t pray because we are __________.

What happened between verse 1 and verse 2 in Matthew chapter 10?

Jesus had called 12 men that he called _____________, but now he is calling them.

Is God Calling you? Has he called you? Have you shared this with your pastor or someone you trust?

We know that God Saves us to ________ us.

Will you put your YES on the table no matter what God Calls you to do?