Government From God

Romans 13:1-7

By Pastor Craig Phelps, April 27, 2024

Introduction: In Romans 13 Paul tells us how we are to interact with governing authorities and why this is important. It’s a challenging and applicable message.

1a Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.

• We all are to be to higher authorities.

• Paul’s doctrine was not but divinely inspired then and now.

1b For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

• Any and all comes from God.

• Who do we obey when government asks us to do something that God says not to do or what about when they say something is ok when God says it is not?

• Governments are formed by God in His infinite wisdom and according to His perfect plan whether to us or to us or even to us.

2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

• Resisting them is resisting the of God and is worthy of judgement.

• Should we submit to some injustice from a godless government?

• Remember, God can sometimes speak the clearest when his people are placed in situations and respond properly.

3a For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.

• Government has a role in society that God has .

• They are to promote and punish for the good of society.

• What if the government is in fact a terror to good and promotes evil?

• Humanity and the governments that God has in position have the at times to uphold the purpose of government and protect humanity at large by dealing with governments who have strayed from their God given purpose.