Grey Matters

Romans 14:1-13

By Pastor Craig Phelps, June 08, 2024

Introduction: In our text Paul continues to instruct us about the life of the Christian and how we treat others. In chapter 14 he discusses our relationship with those in the church who may be different than us.

The Elephant in the Room - Why does Paul tell us not to judge here but then to judge in 1 Corinthians 5? This seems to be a .

is everything and determines how we interpret the text.

• In Matthew 7:1-5, Jesus’s focus is on the judge who looks at the sin of others and not his own.

• In 1 Cor 5 Paul is talking about things that violate the unchanging of God which is still to be our guide to a life that is fitting for the saints.

• In Romans 14 he is not talking about the moral law but the Jewish law that pointed us to Jesus. This law does not apply to us.

1 Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.

• Within a united church, there will be some that are acceptable.

• We are to receive these people or them to our fellowship.

• Some might be weak in the faith, lacking a of understanding or discipline.

  • This is a person who needs to in the faith and become stronger.

  • We accept them because the best place for them to grow is in a strong .

• Others will think or reason about matters of faith and practice.

  • We might call these issues matters.

    • Grey matters do not include the truth of the of grace. This is not up for debate.
    • Grey matters do not include willfully against the moral law of God. The product of our faith should be love carried out in obedience to the Lord.
    • Grey matters are sometimes actually black and white but simply not important enough to over.

Conclusion: What matters is that everyone, regardless of maturity, has their hearts set on pleasing the Lord. That we all exercise faith working through love according to the commands of our Lord. This might look a little different from person to person but it should not impact the unity that we share in this pursuit.