The Pursuit of Unity

Romans 15:14

By Pastor Craig Phelps, July 27, 2024

Introduction: Though it may not be obvious, in verse 14, Paul is still talking about unity with the Gentiles. He writes to further encourage them or motivate them to accept the Gentiles as a part of a united fellowship in the body of Christ.

14 Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren, that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.

Paul approaches them in a way, expressing in them, rather than skepticism or doubt.

Paul names three positive attributes they all have that should motivate them.

  1. The first is of us.

    • They are full of .
    • This comes from the in us.
  2. The next is in of us.

    • They have all .
    • This knowledge comes from the right in front of you.
  3. Lastly, we have something all us.

    • They have the ability to one another.
    • This admonishing is all around us because it occurs in the .

Conclusion: We have been asked to go against the flow. To unite as one body filled with all manner of different parts but we can do this because within us all is the Spirit of God filling us with goodness and other attributes to get the job done. In front of us we have the Word of God which contains all we need to know to do every good work and all around us we have loving brothers and sisters in the church to admonish us that we might do the right thing and be one body united in Christ.