
Romans 16:1-2

By Pastor Craig Phelps, August 31, 2024

Introduction: Romans 16 is filled with a bunch of personal greetings before a final goodbye at the end. But Paul wrote it, the Spirit inspired it and we have it. So, there is something for us to learn. First, we will meet Phoebe.

1 I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, 2 that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.


• She was a gentile named after the greek god .

• Her name was a of the saving power of the one true God.


• He wants them to stand alongside her to her.

• Many believe she was the one this letter to Rome.

Our Sister:

• She is a sister in and thus a sister to us all.

• There is a spiritual family that we all share in Christ, equal as brothers and sisters.

• This means that we all submit to the same heavenly , we all share the same faith in His and are all indwelt by the same .


• Diakonon is where we get the word for . It means servant.

• Like not all messengers are , not all servants are .

• Alone, this passage doesn’t defend or deny that women can hold the of Deacon.

• We can say that women served and were to the work of the Lord.

• A true humble servant of God, male or female, would never demand a .


• In Christ we are all saints, for our intended purpose.

• We must find our intended place before God as , before other saints in the and our place of in the Body.


• Standing for others, she was a protector and provider for the of others.

• There are no Christians. We need each other.