Forward Together

Island Church

By Dr. Will McRaney, October 23, 2022

Biblical Passages: Nehemiah 2:18-20, Neh. 3, Neh. 4:1-2


Background: to Need to Rebuild

Who was working on the walls?

different group were named as working on the wall

Priests, officials, with dads

Goldsmiths &

How did 50 Different Groups Work?

● They it to God as they worked (3:1b)

● They built to each other (3:2)

● They built & repaired different parts as needed (3:3-4)

● They worked their normal professions (3:8)

● They worked next to their homes & beyond (3:10, 3:23)

Various Responses to Rebuilding Efforts

● An isolated few leaders persistently (2:19 & 4:1-2)

● Overwhelming majority moved to rebuild

● They put their minds and heart to work, using their time, , and treasures.

● A few to work – freeloaders (3:5)

  Rebuild Today

● Individuals

● Church body

Move Forward Together

● With , and cooperate with Him

● With who are willing to work & cooperate together

Four Principles of Cooperation - chapter 3

● All the people were in the project

● They worked

● They worked near their

● Each one completed their task or more

Why move Forward Together?

● We can do together than separately

● Together we can & overcome the opposition

● We are a people with diverse gifts

, limited people can do things together

can become a reality

● Your pastoral & leaders can’t do it w/o your help


● Identify, in, and others to Christ and our church?

● Get in the Island Church boat & grab an - Forward Together!