Power in Holding on to God’s Perspective

Isaiah 40:1-31

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, July 16, 2023

The perspective that prepares and empowers says:

Our lives are very short.

Our God is very great.

God’s great power comes to those who fast.

Applying God’s Word to Life

  1. What are some ways that people prepare to host big events like a graduation or a wedding in our culture?

  2. What changes and preparations would you make sure to do if you knew the date when the King was coming?

  3. How is it helpful to know the end of the story — especially when “It does not look good for our hero” in the current scene?

  4. What have been some of the greatest challenges you faced in the past?

  5. What gave you strength, hope, and courage to face those challenges?

  6. What great challenges in the world and in your circumstances currently threaten your life, livelihood, and your future?

  7. How much does it help when you know it’s “not much longer” that you have to endure?

  8. How would life be different if, instead of fixating on our problems and impossibilities, we focused on God and His capabilities?

  9. What truths about God and His plans speak words of hope to the current challenges, trials, and impossibilities before us? 1

  10. What tangible difference can holding to God’s perspective make in the lives of everyday people like you and I?

  11. What will you hold on to this week so you can hold fast until He comes?


Food, Fun & Friends: The next FFF is this Thursday, July 20 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Barsness Park in Glenwood. Everyone is welcome to attend a meal and have some fun. Invite friends.

Registration for VBS is Closed: The maximum capacity has been met. For those that have registered it is July 17th - 20th, 9:00 am-11:30am at First Baptist Church in Glenwood.

Baptism at Lake Minnewaska, Starbuck Park: Wednesday, August 9 at 6:00 p.m. If you would like to get baptized or want more information on baptism, you need to meet with Pastor Kelly before August 1. Call or text him at 320-805-0245.

Waterama Parade Committee Volunteers Wanted: If you would like to be involved with the parade, help decorate the float or ride on the float (we need adults and kids), contact Caitlyn (320-491-0769).

Thank You to Everyone that Helped with Thursday Night on the Town!

No Children’s Church in July and August: There will be activity packets available to use during the sermon.

Playgroups at the Park: next one is July 21 at Starbuck City Park at 9:30 a.m. The first Fridays of the month will be at Barsness Park in Glenwood at 9:30 a.m. and the third Fridays of the month will be at Starbuck City Park at 9:30 a.m.