The Life of God’s Servant

Isaiah 42:1-25

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, August 13, 2023

Servant Jesus made disciples to know:

  1. Who they are in Christ.
2. Who is on ’s heart to save.
3. How to operate empowered by His spirit.
4. to minister confidently until He returns.

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. Describe a significant trip that you really enjoyed. Who was going where for what purpose and how did they get there?

  2. Describe how the boundaries of your travel experiences expanded as you grew up? Where did you start? When did you first venture beyond the familiar? Where did you go from there? How big is the map for you now?

  3. What words best describe Jesus that can also be used to describe his disciples?

  4. What do you learn about who is valuable, and how valuable they are, from the life of Jesus?

  5. How did Jesus’ mission and methods embody the prophetic description of God’s servant that we read about in Isaiah 42?

  6. How well did Jesus’ mission and methods transfer to his early disciples? How about his current disciples?

  7. What are the “why factors” that help you keep on keeping on for Jesus?

  8. What do you see in yourself that is not in keeping with Jesus’ ministry, method and mission right now?

  9. What do you see in “the church” that is not in keeping with Jesus’ ministry, method, and mission right now?

  10. How will your life change as a result of seeing and hearing Jesus today?


Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend any week to gather with others to dig deeper into the text of the Sunday sermon using the sermon questions in the bulletin. Contact Mike at 406-547-4089 for more information.

Rejuvenate Women's Retreat: at Camp Shamineau on September 22-24.  Hope Community Church will provide a $25 scholarship for this retreat.  The scholarship code is Hope Rejuvenate.  For more information or to register go to

Minnewaska Moms Seeking Childcare Volunteers: They will meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month starting September 6 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. If you are willing to help with this ministry all or some of the weeks, contact Karrie at 320-249-0096.

No Children’s Church in July and August: There will be activity packets available to use during the sermon.