Shepherds: Work, Worth, & Worship

Luke 2:6-20

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, December 24, 2023

Workers in the field know the value of:

  1. when entrusted with responsibility.
2) because of God’s invitation and investment.
3) Worship when they see what God has done.
4) Work becoming worship when God is with us.

Appying God's Word to Your Life

  1. What was your first job? Why there? What were you paid?
  2. What have been some of the best and worst jobs you’ve had? Why?
  3. What’s your work environment like (on your own or part of a team, physical or mental, indoor or outdoor, etc.)?
  4. How would you describe your current occupation regarding what you do and why is it important?
  5. What are some ways that you’ve become aware of the greatness of God and His interest in you?
  6. How valuable are you personally and how valuable is your work to God? How do you know?
  7. How aware are you of God’s presence, power, and perspective as you go about your everyday work? Why?
  8. What would help you to transform your work into worship on a more regular basis?
  9. How will you work be different as a result of God’s invitation to know and worship His son?
  10. Who does God want you to invite to see what God has done and is doing right now?


Merry Christmas!!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Sunday, December 24 at 4:30 p.m. at Central Square Auditorium and on livestream. There will not be a nursery, but the community room will be open for parents and nursery age children. Refreshments will be provided.

Children’s Church in Starbuck: No children’s church Dec. 24 and Dec. 31.

Children’s Church in Glenwood: No children’s church Dec. 31

No Youth Group Dec. 27

Vision and Victories: Sunday, January 21. We will celebrate the past year with ministry testimonies during the sermon times, a short business meeting after the service at both sites, and a meal at both sites.

Ministry Testimonies: If you would like to provide a ministry testimony of a HCC ministry that has impacted you this past year, either as a leader or participant, contact Pastor Kelly.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able. Contact Mike at 406-547-4089 for more information.

Preschool Open Gym: Next open gym is Friday, January 5 from 10:00-11:30am at Central Square Gym.