Healed Hearts to Change the World

1 Tim. 4:8-16; Eph. 4:20-32; Ps. 51:6-10; Prov. 23:7

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, February 10, 2024

Training to win calls Christians to grow in:

  1. Godly and teaching.
2) Internal leading to outward transformation.
3) in hearts surrendered to God.

Applying God’s Word to Life

  1. Who do hope wins today? Why?
  2. What does it take to win in the game that really matters?
  3. Which of the key elements of 1 Tim. 4:8-16 are strong or weak for you personally right now?
  4. What are some tangible steps you could take to train to win in view of your current strengths and weaknesses?
  5. How effective have you been in your attempts to grow through “behavior modification” where you tried to do better in an area of weakness?
  6. Why is it hopeful to start with internal, underlying healing for the greater purpose of growing in your outward actions and words?
  7. What are some of the lies you’ve told yourself that kept you from experiencing God’s good plan for you and your healing?
  8. How does honesty with ourselves and with God play a role in our transformation?
  9. What area are you most fearful of surrendering to God right now?
  10. Take time now to ask God to still your fears so that you can courageously invite Him to have his way with your heart and life?
  11. Who is likely to be the most blessed if God gets your whole heart?


Women's Bible Study: Jesus over Everything: Uncomplicating the daily struggle to put Jesus first. By Lisa Whittle:  Every other Thursday starting February 22 from 6:00-7:30 p.m., meeting in the basement at the Starbuck site.  This is a video, workbook, discussion format.  Contact Cheryl Mahoney (320) 805-0246.

IF:Gather Women’s Conference at Starbuck:  will be streamed live at our church in Starbuck on February 23 & 24. Check out our website, app or weekly email for a link to register. $25 includes online access to speakers after the event and all food for the event.   I hope you can join us!  Contact Lindsey for questions 320-815-7363.

Restoring Relationships Small Group: Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Central Square, Suite 200 in Glenwood. The study started Feb. 1, but it is not too late to join. The next meeting is Feb. 15. Content: Our response to offenses will determine whether or not our wounds heal or become infected. Restoring Relationships helps you find freedom of heart and soul by taking you on your own personal journey through Calvary. Contact Pastor Kelly (320) 805-0245.

Safe Families Volunteer Training:  February 17. Please see their website for information regarding the different volunteer roles and training details. Register at safefamiliesmn.org or 218-671-3224. 

Camp Shamineau Summer Camps for Youth/Kids Scholarship: The camp brochure is out-find one on the welcome table.  Hope Community will pay $150 for a Hope Community youth/child to go to camp and $150 towards the fee for one friend to go with them.  For more information and to register go to www.shamineau.org and put in the scholarship code:  Hope Glenwood. 

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able. Contact Mike at (406) 547-4089 for more information.

Preschool Open Gym: Next open gym is Friday, March 1 from 10:00-11:30am at Central Square Gym.