Our Constant Need, His Constant Solution

1 John 1:1- 1 John 2:3

By Paul Klassen, March 17, 2024

Three life-changing principles about sin:

Sin is_________.

Sin removal________.

Each is_________ .

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. What does this passage say are the results of walking in the light?
  2. How does Hope Community Church provide a place where Confession, Repentance, and Biblical Fellowship can happen?  (E.g. - communion, small groups, pastoral availability)
  3. How do you/can you help provide a place at Hope Community Church for ongoing confession and repentance?  
  4. What are your current confession and repentance practices?
  5. What area(s) in your life could use a better practice around these principles?
  6. What part of this passage sticks out to you the most? Why?
  7. How will you share what you’ve learned with somebody this week?


Good Friday Service: Friday, March 29 at 7:00p.m. at Starbuck site and on livestream.

Easter Services: We will celebrate Easter during our regular Sunday service hours.

Day of Faith: April 3 from 8:15-12:05 for 5th-12th students.  Enjoy youth-lead worship, inspirational talks, interactive skits, team building, and pizza and pop lunch-all for FREE. Students will need a parent release form signed, a link can be found on our app and website under events. Students will eat breakfast, but skip signing in at the first class. Instead, they will ride the bus from the MAHS flagpole to Central Square at 8:15. They will return to school after a pizza lunch at 12:05. Invite friends and help us spread the word!

Dave & Ann Wilson from FamilyLife in Alexandria: April 19 & 20th. There are 3 opportunities to hear them speak. More information and links to register can be found at www.unityfoundation-alexandria.com. The direct links can be found on our weekly email.

Preschool Open Gym:  Next open gym is April 5 from 10:00-11:30am at Central Square Gym. 

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able. Contact Mike at (406) 547-4089 for more information.

Camp Shamineau Summer Camps for Youth/Kids Scholarship: The camp brochure is out-find one on the welcome table.  Hope Community will pay $150 for a Hope Community youth/child to go to camp and $150 towards the fee for one friend to go with them.  For more information and to register go to www.shamineau.org and put in the scholarship code:  Hope Glenwood.  Camp Shamineau also offers a $20 discount if camp is paid in full by April 1 and family discounts.  The Hope scholarships only apply to Camp Shamineau and  do not apply for family camps and other retreats at Camp Shamineau.