There is only One Savior Make your purpose big For Further Reflection What was a small thing that turned out to have a big impact in your life? What was a seemingly small sin in your life that had large consequences? Describe how a ‘world without sin’ might feel. What is one result of the fall that still impacts you today? Name an area of life where you/society seems to be more interested in alleviating its effects rather than seeing Jesus eliminate it? What is something you complain about that indicates self-centeredness in your life? How would you describe God's purpose for your life? How does that mesh with the call to be agents of reconciliation? Announcements Women’s Prayer Brunch: Saturday, April 20 at 10:00a.m. at Rita Larson’s home (17161 350th Ave S., Starbuck). All women welcome to join in a time of fellowship, food and prayer. An rsvp is appreciated (612-770-5411). Congratulations to Ruth and Joshua Kettering on the Birth of their Daughter: Josie Elma was born on March 27. If you would like to bless them with a meal, go to and type in Kettering and 8620 to sign up. Preschool Open Gym: The last open gym for this school year is April 19 from 10:00-11:30am at Central Square Gym. Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able. Contact Mike at (406) 547-4089 for more information.