Called & Courageous

Romans 1:1-17

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, May 05, 2024

Faithful servants of the gospel are:

  1. of God’s calling.
2. -laborers who eagerly build up God’s people.
3. communicators of God’s message.

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. What are some of the things that have radically changed life as we know it in the last 100 years? Explain.

  2. How has God’s calling upon your life changed you and changed your perspective?

  3. How would you rate your eagerness to both impact and be impacted by fellow Christians?

  4. What elements of the gospel are you tempted to be ashamed of? Why?

  5. What evidence have you seen that the gospel has the power to bring salvation to people you know and love right now?

  6. How certain are you of the gospel’s power to change lives in view of our current cultural climate?

  7. How well equipped do you feel you are as a communicator of “the gospel of God”?

  8. What strengths and weaknesses are on your mind as you consider your current faithfulness as a servant of the gospel in each of these areas?

  9. What step of faith will you take to embrace God’s call upon you right now?


Graduate Sunday: We will be recognizing graduates from Hope Community on May 19 at both services.

Parents/Graduates: If you or your son/daughter are graduating this spring and have not received a graduation questionnaire via email, please contact Vickie at 320-805-0450.

Vertical Marriage Small Group: Join Nick and Mariah as they go through the 5-week Vertical Marriage study by Dave & Anne Wilson starting on June 4th, meeting every Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for 5 weeks. Please RSVP to Nick ( 320-491-1052) or Mariah (320-334-4365). There is space for 5 couples. If it fills up, Zach and Caitlyn Jorgenson will host a group.

Breaker Rock Beach VBS Registration Now Open: Hope Community and First Baptist are teaming up again to provide an awesome VBS experience for 3 year olds—entering 5th grade on June 17-20 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood. To register: go to or find the link on our weekly email, app. (under events) or website.

VBS Volunteers Needed: A variety of volunteer roles are needed in the areas of decorating, kitchen/breakfast duties, crafts, clean up, crew leaders, classroom helpers. To indicate your willingness to serve, sign up at or find the link on our weekly email, app (under evnets) or website or contact Jami Zabel at 320-815-7573. Indicate your desire to serve even if you cannot serve the entire week.

Women’s Prayer Brunch: Saturday, May 18 at Mary Johnson’s home (310 10th Ave NW, Glenwood). All women are welcome to join in a time of fellowship, food and prayer. RSVP appreciated (320-424-0279).

Waterama Float Volunteers Needed: The float last year got many compliments from community members, so there is consideration of entering a float again this year. However, we would like some volunteers to invest in the time to help create the float and some to be in the parade. This can be a fun group building project. Contact Vickie or Pastor Kelly if this interests you.