Sin Seen Through Glass

Series: Romans – Not Ashamed of the Gospel

By Pastor Kelly J. Mahoney, May 12, 2024

We all need Jesus! No excuses, not even if you say:

  1. “I don’t see enough evidence for God.”
  2. “I don’t want to be constrained by God laws.”
  3. “I’m more deserving of God’s acceptance than others."

Applying God’s Word to Life

  1. In what ways was your mother an influence for your good?
  2. What are some of the things your mother did or said to try to keep you on the “straight and narrow?”
  3. As you look at the world and through history, what are some of the evidences that indicate that there must be a God?
  4. What makes the evidence for God more compelling than the alternative?
  5. What motivations might skew our view of the evidence for God or for the limits God may place on us?
  6. Why be cautious about how we view and teach God’s laws?
  7. Are you more likely to judge or be judged regarding choices?
  8. What are you are likely to judge, or not judge, others for? Why?
  9. What are the things on your list that give you a higher score than others? How does your list compare to God’s list?
  10. How might God want you to change your view of God, others, or yourself right now?
  11. What step will you take this week to embrace the good news offered to you in Christ?