How Do You Plead?

Romans 3:1-31

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, May 19, 2024

God’s rock-solid legal counsel says:

  1. No one is than another regarding the law.
  1. The of evidence for our guilt is indefensible.
  1. Legal, social, and religious reason calls for “pleading the of Jesus.”
  1. Justice is fully served thru the and fulfillment of the law.

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. What have been some of your experiences with the court of law?
  2. When have you felt the weight of the law upon you? Explain?
  3. What are things we like to admit as evidence to prove we have a better case than others?
  4. For you personally, which parts of the “body of evidence” are the most convincing for a guilty verdict?
  5. When and why have you felt your guilt before God’s court of law?
  6. How impacted are you by the concepts of justification, redemption, and propitiation as they relate to you?
  7. What are the implications of getting justice, mercy, or grace?
  8. How is all this “good news” of “the righteousness of God”?
  9. What keeps people from accepting God’s counsel on these matters?
  10. How does God want to you to believe or live differently as a result of His counsel to you today?
  11. How then, do you plead? _______________________________________________


Baccalaureate at Minnewaska Area High School:  Wednesday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m.

Breaker Rock Beach VBS Registration Now Open: Hope Community and First Baptist are teaming up again to provide an awesome VBS experience for 3 year olds—entering 5th grade on June 17-20 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood. To register: go to or find the link on our weekly email, app. or website.

VBS Volunteers Needed: A variety of volunteer roles are needed To indicate your willingness to serve, sign up at or contact Jami Zabel at 320-815-7573. Indicate your desire to serve even if you cannot serve the entire week.

Vertical Marriage Small Group: Join Nick and Mariah Drever as they go through the 5-week Vertical Marriage study by Dave & Anne Wilson starting on June 4th, meeting every Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for 5 weeks. Please RSVP to Nick ( 320-491-1052) or Mariah (320-334-4365).

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.

The Glenwood Estates is Looking Church Leaders who would be willing to help facilitate a worship service on Sundays, after our church service, that would include some singing (could be acapella with a hymnal) and a message (possibly a re-hash of the Sunday sermon).  Arlene Huber lives there! We’re specifically asked to consider a team for every 1st or 3rd Sunday of the month?  Interested, talk to Pastor Kelly.