Skip Payday by Taking the Gift

Romans 4:1-25

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, May 26, 2024

The gift of justification by faith:

all reason for boasting in our works.

all obligations to obey God’s law.

all to follow in the faith of Abraham.

all believers life after death.

Applying God’s Word to Life

  1. Give an example of a movie, story, or plot twist where your whole understanding of reality is changed by one major revelation?

  2. What did you do for your first job? How much were you paid?

  3. If you were to write a balance sheet of your life from birth until now, when would you have had the highest net worth, and when would you have needed to declare bankruptcy? Why?

  4. How surprising would the revelation of equal access to God through Abraham have been to the people in Jesus day? How about to you today?

  5. Apart from “the justification by faith,” what have been other ways people sought to find forgiveness and eternal life?

  6. How much of a faith stretch is it to believe in the free gift of forgiveness, new life, and the merits of Jesus credited to you?

  7. How does Jesus’ resurrection solidify God’s gospel promises?

  8. How sure are you that Jesus’ righteousness has been credited to your account?

  9. Who will you share the great news of this free gift with?


Breaker Rock Beach VBS Registration: Hope Community and First Baptist are teaming up again to provide an awesome VBS experience for 3 year olds—entering 5th grade on June 17-20 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood. To register: go to or find the link on our weekly email, app. or website.

VBS Volunteers Needed: A few more volunteer roles are needed, including helping Kelly in the kitchen! To indicate your willingness to serve, sign up at or contact Jami Zabel at 320-815-7573. Indicate your desire to serve even if you cannot serve the entire week.

Women’s Prayer Brunch: Saturday, June 8 at Joyce Doughty’s home (911 Mount Lookout Hts Drive, Glenwood). All women are welcome to join in a time of fellowship, food and prayer. RSVP appreciated (320-424-8100).

VBS Volunteers Meeting: Monday, June 10 at 6:30p.m. at the First Baptist Church, Glenwood.

VBS Set-Up: Saturday, June 15 from 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood. This is a great time to support VBS by stopping by for an hour or more to help set up. Pizza will be served.

Vertical Marriage Small Group: Join Nick and Mariah Drever as they go through the 5-week Vertical Marriage study by Dave & Anne Wilson starting on June 4th, meeting every Tuesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for 5 weeks. Please RSVP to Nick ( 320-491-1052) or Mariah (320-334-4365).

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.