Grace for the Past, Present, & Future

Romans 5:1-11

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, June 02, 2024

Jesus’ grace package includes:

with God in the present.

to God anytime.
of God in your ongoing trials.
by God when you were desperate.
of God from any future wrath.
with God in the present.

Applying God’s Word to Life

  1. Who’s someone you were afraid to meet up with? When? Why?

  2. Who’s someone you used to be afraid of that you now look forward to seeing them? Why?

  3. Who’s someone famous you had the privilege of meeting? Do tell.

  4. What’s so significant about the believer’s invitation to “draw near with confidence to the throne of grace” (Heb. 4:16)?

  5. How has Jesus’ presence changed your perspective on the present?

  6. What are some examples of the hard things that helped you grow?

  7. How desperate was your need before Jesus’ came to rescue you?

  8. How has Jesus’ offer of salvation changed your view of the past and of the future?

  9. How would you rate your fear of the future? Of Death? Of meeting your Maker? Why?

  10. How has Jesus, His teachings, and the gospel changed how you relate to God? To other believers?

  11. What might God want you to believe or do differently as a result of the good news of Romans 5? How will you walk in this?


VBS Registration Update: The pre-school class is full, but there is still room for elementary students. If you want your child to go, register soon as it did fill up last year. They need to limit the kids to assure safety due to volunteer and space issues. To register: go to or find the link on our weekly email, app. or website.

VBS Volunteers Update: An adult or older teen helper for pre-K, a floating helper to plug in for crafts, and another helper in the kitchen is still needed. To indicate your willingness to serve, sign up at or contact Jami Zabel at 320-815-7573. Indicate your desire to serve even if you cannot serve the entire week.

Women’s Prayer Brunch: Saturday, June 8 at Joyce Doughty’s home (911 Mount Lookout Hts Drive, Glenwood). All women are welcome to join in a time of fellowship, food and prayer. RSVP appreciated (320-424-8100).

VBS Volunteers Meeting: Monday, June 10 at 6:30p.m. at the First Baptist Church, Glenwood.

VBS Set-Up: Saturday, June 15 from 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood. This is a great time to support VBS by stopping by for an hour or more to help set up. Pizza will be served.

Safe Families for Children Needs: There are two single moms that could use some tangible help. One will need meals in June/July due to surgery and another needs tools (used or new) to start the Alex. Tech construction program this Fall. You can find more detail in the weekly email or contact Vickie.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.