Best Responds to the Best News

Romans 10:1-21

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, August 04, 2024

God calls everyone to respond to the gospel by:

  1. of their need and Jesus’ provision.
  1. in and calling on Jesus for salvation.
  1. the good news of Jesus to all who will hear.

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. What is the “Green Eggs & Ham” you initially hated but have come to love?

  2. What are ways that you have “stopped up your ears” to the good things others have tried to share with you?

  3. What are examples of bad news and good news that we resist hearing or believing? What motivated us to reject either of them?

  4. What makes people want to rely on themselves, their efforts, their religion, or their way of salvation?

  5. To what degree are you convicted of your own sin and helplessness to save yourself before God?

  6. How important is Jesus’ sinless life, his willing sacrifice of himself, his suffering, his death, and his resurrection? Why?

  7. When did you put your trust in what Jesus did on the cross? When did you call asking Jesus for forgiveness and the free gift of life?

  8. How confident are you of your eternal destination today? Why?

  9. Who would you share the most amazing news report with if the greatest news came to you today?

  10. When, how, and with whom might God want you to do share the good news of Jesus?


Baptism and FFF at Starbuck Park: Wednesday, August 7 at 6:00p.m. Walking tacos is on the menu. Contact Vickie if you would like to help with the food (320-805-0450).

Thank You from the Maus Family: “Thank you to our Hope church family for the beautiful flowers you gave us in memory of our grandson Conan. We appreciate all the prayers and support for our family. Please keep praying for Jeffrey and Rachel. Thank you.”

Thank You to the Waterama Parade Volunteers!  Thank you especially to the VanderBeeks and Drevers for designing a beautiful float to represent Hope Community well in the Waterama parade!!

Family Baseball Game Night: Tuesday, August 13 at 6:30p.m. at the Starbuck baseball field. Ice Cream to follow. Bring your gloves (bring extra if you have them and are willing to share), bats, kids, chairs and enjoy a time at the park watching or playing baseball and hanging out at the park.

Women's Prayer Brunch:  Saturday, August 17 at 10:00 a.m. at Vera's home (22342 310th Ave. Starbuck).  All women are invited for a time of food, fellowship and prayer.  RSVP to Vera by text or call at 320-424-2793.

No Children’s Church in July and August: Activity packets are available for during the sermon.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able. No small group August 7.