A Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:8-10

By Pastor Kelly Johnson, August 11, 2024


Discussion Questions

Describe one of your favorite pieces of art.

Me: A Masterpiece? How should our “Masterpiece” thinking influence our daily walk with Christ? What does our being made in the “Image of God” drive our desire to become Christ-like?

You: A Masterpiece? How should viewing my brothers and sisters in Christ as a Masterpiece change my interactions with them. Do I value them as much as Christ does and, if not, what needs to change in my life?

Why A Masterpiece? World Impact: How is my life a reflection of the One Who made me? How does this impact the Gospel in my community?


Family Baseball Game Night: This Tuesday, August 13 at 6:30p.m. at the Starbuck baseball field. Ice Cream to follow. Bring your gloves (bring extra if you have them and are willing to share), bats, kids, chairs and enjoy a time at the park watching or playing baseball and hanging out at the park.

Women's Prayer Brunch:  Saturday, August 17 at 10:00 a.m. at Vera's home (22342 310th Ave. Starbuck).  All women are invited for a time of food, fellowship and prayer.  RSVP to Vera by text or call at 320-424-2793.

Minnewaska Mom's  Registration:  They meet the second and fourth Wednesdays in September-May, starting September 11  from 9:30-11:00a.m. at Restoration Church in Glenwood.  Unlimited number of moms can participate, but there is a limit for the nursery and preschool rooms.  Currently, there is room in both.  To register: check out our website, app or contact Karrie Anderson (320) 249-0096.

Volunteers Needed for Minnewaska Moms:  Volunteers are needed for the preschool and nursery.  You do not need to volunteer every session.  Contact Carrie Anderson (320) 249-0096 if you have questions or are willing to help out in this ministry.  It is greatly appreciated!

Thank You from the Maus Family: “Thank you to our Hope church family for the beautiful flowers you gave us in memory of our grandson Conan. We appreciate all the prayers and support for our family. Please keep praying for Jeffrey and Rachel. Thank you.”

No Children’s Church in August: Activity packets are available for during the sermon.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.