Gospel Loving

Romans 12:3-21

By Pastor Kelly, August 30, 2024

Gospel living leads to love characterized by:

  1. in the body of Christ.
2. Serving God thru of His kids.
3) that overflow to your enemies.

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. Give an example of something that just would not work, but after close examination you fixed the problem? Explain.

  2. What are some helpful steps when troubleshooting something that is not working?

  3. What do you expect to see flow from someone who is connected to Jesus as their power source?

  4. What evidence would move you to “troubleshoot” your love?

  5. What gifts do you have from God and how are you using them?

  6. What are some examples of the valuable contributions others make that are different from your own?

  7. How do you view yourself and others differently as a result of God’s grace in your life?

  8. How has Jesus widened your circle of care? In what way?

  9. Who has felt the impact of God’s grace at work in you?

  10. Who has not gotten “what they deserve” as an overflow of God’s love at work in and through you?

  11. What is the most impacting thing you could do to change the world right now?


Youth Kickoff on Sept 4 6:40-8:05 – “A Vision of God’s Goodness”  Join us at Mount Lookout for games, hiking, dessert, experiential learning, and worship.  All 5th-12th graders and all your friends are invited.  Youth group will meet every Wednesdays during the school year.

AWANA Starts September 11. for ages 3 years (by Sept. 11) through 5th grade. To register see our weekly email or website. AWANA meets Wednesdays 6:30-8:00p.m. during the school year.

Rejuvenate Women’s Retreat: at Camp Shamineau on Friday, September 27-Sunday, September 29. Hope Community will provide a $35 scholarship to each registrant from Hope. The scholarship code is Hope Rejuvenate. To register go to shamineau.org/rejuvenate. Contact Vickie with questions.

Minnewaska Mom's  Registration:  They meet the second and fourth Wednesdays in September-May, starting September 11  from 9:30-11:00a.m. at Restoration Church in Glenwood.  Unlimited number of moms can participate, but there is only 1 nursery opening and the preschool room is full.  To register: check out our website, app or contact Karrie Anderson (320) 249-0096.

Volunteers Needed for Minnewaska Moms:  Volunteers are needed for the preschool and nursery.  You do not need to volunteer every session.  Contact Karrie Anderson (320) 249-0096 if you are willing to help out in this ministry.  It is greatly appreciated!

Pastor Kelly on Vacation Sept. 6-13:  If you have any urgent pastoral needs during that time, please contact one of the elders or Vickie, admin. Assistant, at 320-805-0450 and she will connect you with someone. The new director for Camp Shamineau will be preaching on Sept. 8.

Children’s Church Starts September 8: Activity packets are available for during the sermon until then.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.