Gospel Freedom

Romans 14:1-23

By Pastor Kelly Mahoney, September 29, 2024

The good news calls believers to:

1) those God has accepted without judgment or contempt.

2)Remove so others are freed to serve God with a good conscience.

3) others in partnership with the Lord who’s at work in them. {note

Applyng God's Word to Life

  1. Finish the sentence, “If someone is truly a Christian they will ___________________________ and they will not _________________________!”

  2. What does the Scripture say that you must do to be saved?

  3. What were some of the “litmus tests” you used to put others through? How about now?

  4. What is wrong with rejecting people that the Lord has accepted?

  5. What are some of the contemporary issues where Scripture has not defined what to do or believe and where genuine Christians have come to different conclusions?

  6. Why is it important to avoid tripping others up through coercion or through expressing our freedoms?

  7. What potential damage might our judgment, contempt, coercion, or carelessness bring about?

  8. What should you do with your convictions on disputable matters?

  9. What action or attitude from the past or present has God put on your heart with a call to confess and seek Him for forgiveness?

  10. How will you live into the freedom Jesus secured for you and how will you help others to do the same this week?


Fall Food & Fun Festival: Sunday, October 13 at Crossroads Stables/Barsness’s (33502 County Road 14, Starbuck)  Each family should bring a side dish or desert to share.

3:30-5:00-pumpkin painting/maze/yard games

3:45-first hayride leaves

4:15-second hayride leaves

4;45-third hayride leaves if there is interest (eat late)

5:00-meal & free play

6:20-clean up and go

Fall Food Drive: The Potpourri Club of Glenwood is asking churches to participate in a local food drive by collecting boxes of cereal and jars of peanut butter. The food will be collected by the Potpourri Club Monday, Oct. 7 and distributed to Hearts & Hands, Pope County Families in Need and Lighthouse at MHS. You can drop off donations at church next Sunday or anytime during the week at Starbuck or the church office in Central Square. The goal is 50 items from each church.

Hope Youth Retreat Nov. 1-3: Night games, games, cooking together, AirMaxx trampolines & skatepark & shopping in St. Cloud, and youth devotions.  Depart Friday, Nov.1 at 5:15pm from Minnewaska High School (after practices) and return Sun., Nov. 3 at Central Square parking lot at 12:30pm.  Sign-up and pay $45 by Oct. 18.  Friends welcome. We are staying for free at a sister-church in Paynesville, so sleeping bags & pillows are a must!  Sign-up using the link on our app, website or weekly email.

Youth Group: for grades 5-12.  Meet from 6:40-8:05 p.m. at Central Square gym with games, music, message, and age-appropriate small groups.

AWANA: Wednesdays 6:30-8:00p.m. for ages 3 years (by Sept. 11) through 5th grade at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.