He is the Lord He will do what is Good Applying God's Word to Life What was a significant event in your life that you want to always remember? How do you make sure to remember events (celebrations, pictures, stories, etc.)? Why do you think Eli took so long to realize that it was God speaking to Samuel? How difficult is it to hear difficult words and respond as Eli did (He is the Lord…)? “Let Him do what He thinks is good” – Is He Lord in your life to say it as well? How is God’s good and our priorities sometimes at odds? What does the duty to live the Christ life look like in your current calling? How will you prioritize the Christ life in the New Year? Announcements Bible Recap Optional Meeting: on Sunday, January 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Central Square Suite 200 (church office) to touch base, discuss and make sure everyone has a good start. Membership at Hope: If you are interested in membership at Hope Community Church, contact Pastor Kelly by January 5. You must be a member to vote on the annual budget, for elder appointments, and other major decisions at HCC. Our annual celebration/meeting is scheduled for February 9. No Children’s Church on Sunday, December 29. Activity packets are available. No Youth Group or AWANA: on January 1. Preschool Open Gym: Friday, January 3 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. This is a free event for young children and their caretakers. Invite friends and enjoy free time at Central Square gym in Glenwood. No Sermon Based Small Group: January 1.