“Departed Glory” 

1 Samuel 4:1-22 

By Carlyn Cole, January 05, 2025

The Right Heart (not the right object) 

A Right Heart (not the right affiliation) 

Applying God's Word to Life

  1. What is a superstition that you hear all the time? 
  2. How do you handle superstitions in others (or your own)? 
  3. Why do you think Israel went for the Ark rather than seeking the Lord? 
  4. How do you typically respond to defeat/difficulties? 
  5. Are there things other than Jesus that people rely on to get them through? 
  6. How would you distinguish between disciplines and superstitions? 
  7. What are some disciplines that you have incorporated in your life? 
  8. What are your best ideas to corporately return to the Glory of God? 


Bible Recap Optional Meeting: tonight, Sunday, January 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Central Square Suite 200 (church office) to touch base, discuss and make sure everyone has a good start.

It’s Not too Late to Start the Bible Recap! Contact Vickie (320) 805-0450 for questions or go to the YouVersion Bible app and search The Bible Recap.

Membership at Hope: If you are interested in membership at Hope Community Church, contact Pastor Kelly today. 

Central Square Building Renovation: Central Square received a 4 million dollar grant for building renovations that will start soon. It is going to look fabulous! However, we will experience changes during the renovation months, which will include Sunday morning worship services in the gym. Pastor Kelly created a video explaining what we can expect. If you have not viewed the video, you can find a link in our weekly email. The weekly email will also be where we post all the updates, so be sure you are receiving them, contact Vickie (320) 805-0450 if you are not.

Volunteers Needed for Set up and Tear Down in Glenwood:** Contact Vickie if you are willing to help with set up and/or tear down of chairs for Sunday morning worship during the renovations. (This could be a good opportunity for families to serve together).

Thank you from Sue Cihlar: “Thank you for the beautiful arrangement, prayers, and acts of kindness for me and my family during my surgery and convalescence. We truly appreciate our church family and look forward to being with  you all soon.”

Preschool Open Gym: Friday, January 3 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. This is a free event for young children and their caretakers. Invite friends and enjoy free time at Central Square gym in Glenwood.

Youth Group: for grades 5-12. Wednesdays from 6:40-8:05 p.m. at Central Square Gym.

Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.