Love calls us to build walls of protection by: to keep to the path of purity. the lies we want to believe. with the end in mind. God’s gifts to us. Applying God’s Word to Life With the castle mentality in mind, what would you make sure to bring behind the protective walls? Why? What kinds of protections would a safe castle have? Why? What are some of the protections you currently have in place to ensure all the precious things are kept safe from attack? Why is point one so important? What experiences proved this? What kinds of smooth talk and persuasive words have your heard and shared that have lead to a fall? What are the potential pains and costly payouts that can come from failing to follow God’s path of purity and purpose? What have your past failings cost you so far? What causes people to take their gifts for granted or to take hold of that which is not there’s to take? Which walls are the strongest and which need some shoring up right now? What will you do this week and in this season of your life to build the walls to protect all the people and possessions that are precious to you? Announcements Vision and Victories: Next Sunday, February 9 during the regular service times at both sites. Enjoy a time of testimonies and a meal as we celebrate another year of Hope Community Church! We need volunteers to bring food and to help with set up/tear down. Please sign up on the form on the welcome table or text Vickie (320) 805-0450. Thank you! Ministry Testimonies: If you serve at Hope in some way, or you participated in one of our small groups, and would like to share a testimony, today is your last chance. Shawn is set up at the Central Square Green Room (close to the gym) from 9:15-10:20 and 11:30-12:30. Ultimate Faith Club (Men's Event): This Saturday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Square Gym. This event includes a great meal and the topic of the event is “living in victory over sexual temptations.” Inviting other men to attend is encouraged. Hope Ski Day: Today, Feb. 2 from 4-8 p.m. at Andes Tower Hills. Lift Tickets: $25, Ski Rental: Free, Snowboard Rental: $10,Tubing: $15 (for 2 hours only). NO RSVP, preregistration or payment is needed for this event. Pay Andes when you arrive. Central Square Building Renovation Update: Kids church changes: 4 year olds through 4th grade will be dismissed from service to join teachers out in the hall outside the gym doors. Teachers will escort the kids to their class in suite 200 and escort them back down to the gym after service. Central Square has safety concerns and has requested that children/youth do not play/hang out behind any of the curtains nor do they want young children (4th grade and younger) unsupervised in the hall. Also be mindful of the Megatron (T.V.) and the audio/video tables. Cross+Over Basketball Program is being offered again this year for the first 20 students grades 5th-8th who sign up. The cost is $20/family to cover the subscription to Sports Spectrum. Brad Randt is offering 4 Sunday training sessions; Feb. 2, 23, March 2 at 6:00-7:30 and Feb. 9 2:00-3:30. You need to sign up for each Sunday you want to attend. See the weekly email for the link to sign up. Sermon Based Small Group: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. at the Starbuck site. Attend when you are able.