Signs: What it Means to be a Person of Faith

God at the Movies

By Jack Hawkins, July 14, 2024

Signs: What it Means to be a Person of Faith Hebrews 10:35-39

Movie Plot and Themes
Three basics of the faith
1. Faith is ______ in ______ even when ______.
2. Faith knows that God can bring ______ from ______.
3. Faith has less to do with ______ and more to do with ______.
Three controversial concepts about faith
1. The riskiest, most dangerous step you’ll ever take is ________________________.
2. Failing at ______ is not ______.
What’s ______ is not ______ with your ______.
3. Three simple words to revolutionize your attitude about life: __________________________________________.
In what area of your life do you need to pray the prayer the apostles prayed: “Lord, increase my faith”?