Crucial Conversations

Colossians 4:6

By Jack Hawkins, September 08, 2024

Crucial Conversations Colossians 4:6

A crucial conversation is a discussion between two or more people when… 1. The ____________ are _______________
2. ___________________ vary
3. ___________________ run _______________
How people tend to read Colossians 3:18-22: - Husbands read and say:
- Wives read and say:
- Parents read and say:
- Kids read and say:
How communication works: - A wife that submits to her husband is ____________.
- A husband that loves is ________________________.
- Children that obey their parents have _____________ __________________________________________.
- Parents that aren’t always frustrated and angry have __________________________________________.
*What is the biggest land mine that you bring into your relationships?*