Mastermind: The Pride Trap Romans 12:2-8 Not only do we think more _____________ of ourselves than we ought, we think about ourselves more _____________ than we ought. Prov 16:18, Prov 29:23, Ob 1:3, Dan 4:37, 1 Pet 5:5, Prov 16:5 Pride says: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Jonathan Edwards, “Seven Ways Pride Can Hide In Us” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There is a ____________________ God is calling us to. It’s the difference between saying: - I’m _____________ - I’m ______________________________ If we are going to __________________________ we need to make a __________________ in our ____________. *Who is someone you need to make this statement to: “You are gifted by God!”*