Scandalous Christmas: Angry Jesus

Luke 11:37-44

By Jack Hawkins, December 15, 2024

Scandalous Christmas: Angry Jesus Luke 11:37-44

How often is our anger about something that truly matters?
The problem is not that we ________________________. The problem is that we __________________ about the ______________________________.
Four Things that Made Jesus Angry 1. People who are more concerned with _______________ ______________ than ________________________ Luke 11:41
2. _______________ and ______________ of the _____________ Luke 11:42-44
3. Injustice for those who can't fight for themselves Exodus 23:6, Psalm 11:7, Matthew 12:18-19 4. Making it difficult for people to ____________________ ________ by focusing on ______________ not ______________________________ Ephesians 4:26-27
*When do I focus more on rules instead of God’s heart for loving others?*