Breaking a Generational Curse What Word Defines You Judges 6:1-17 Four Characteristics of a High-Powered, Difference-Making Person 1) Knee-knocking, teeth-chattering ____________. Judges 6:11-12 God sees _______________ in you that you don’t even see. 2) Paralyzing ____________. Judges 6:13, 14 The ______________ you currently have is _______________ to do what God is calling you to do. 3) Crippling ________________________. Judges 6:15-17 Your ______________ and __________________, however uninspiring, are ___________ for God to use you. 4) Lack of ______________________________. Judges 8:10 If you feel like you don’t have enough _________________, ____________, or _________ to pull off your current task, then you are just where God wants you. We make our biggest ______________ when we _______________ God in ______________________________.