Children of God Abide

1 John 3:1-10

By Brent Sinclair, March 16, 2025

Children of God Abide 1 John 3:1-10

v. 6: No one who ________ in him ______________ ____________; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.
The emphasis is not to hit the bullseye every time, rather ______________ in Christ ALL the time.
v. 9: No one born of God makes a ________________________, for God’s ________ abides in them; and they cannot keep on sinning, because they have been ______________________.
Proximity Get close to Him and His children
1. ____________________ – continually and dwell (abide) in it Ps 119:11; Heb 4:12
2. ____________ – let His Spirit guide your spirit
3. ____________ – to abide in Him
*What will I do to abide in Christ?*
*What will I do to let Christ abide in someone else?*