ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 40 | COVENANT—Abraham, pt. 11

By Danny Capon, December 10, 2023

The Beginning and Meaning of Everytihng that Matters

Genesis 21:1-34


  1. Gen. 21:1-7 God fulfills His word to Abraham and Sarah about a son…
  • What God does
  • What Abraham does
  • What Sarah does
  1. Gen. 21:8-21 Abraham sends Hagar and (Ishmael) away
  2. Gen. 21:22-34 Abraham makes a covenant with Abimelech

What’s going on in Genesis 21?

God fulfills His word to Abraham and Sarah about a son, and is with him through relational conflict due to his unbelief.

  1. Gen. 21:1-7 The Setting and Scenario
  1. Gen. 21:8-21 Abraham sends Hagar and (Ishmael) away
  1. Gen. 21:22-34 Abraham makes a covenant with Abimelech


  • God always keeps His word…and does so even when it seems impossible to us
  • God always keeps His word…and does so even when we experience the consequences of our unbelieving actions
  • God always keeps His word…and does so by working in and through the consequences of our unbelieving actions
  • God always keeps His word…and does so by demonstrating how enduring His word is in comparison to ours