ORIGINS: The Book of Genesis

No. 42 | COVENANT—Abraham, pt. 13

By Danny Capon, January 21, 2024

The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters

COVENANT: Genesis 12:1-25:11 | Abraham

  • 12:1-9 God establishes a relationship with Abram
  • 12:10-13:1 Abram reasons unfaithfully in going down to Egypt
  • 13:2-18 Abram reasons humbly in deferring to Lot
  • 14:1-24 Abram defeats his enemies with the help of God
  • 15:1-21 Abram grapples with the fulfillment of God’s word to him
  • 16:1-16 Abram, Sarai and Hagar see poorly and act wrongly
  • 17:1-27 Abram responds to God and does what He says
  • 18:1-33 Abraham shows hospitality to God and intercedes for Sodom
  • 19:1-38 God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah and spares Lot’s life
  • 20:1-18 Abraham sojourns in Gerar and reasons unfaithfully (again)
  • 21:1-34 God fulfills His word to Abraham and Sarah about a son
  • 22:1-19 Abraham proves obedient to God’s voice
  • 22:20-23:20 Abraham buries his wife Sarah in the land of Canaan

Following God’s testing of Abraham (22:1-19), what takes place in the remainder of Abraham’s life that we’re told about (22:20-25:11)?

Why does God include these two narratives in the life of Abraham?

Abraham prepares to transition to the next generation — by burying his wife Sarah in the land of Canaan

Genesis 22:20-24 - Abraham is told about his brother Nahor’s children

Genesis 23:1-20 - Sarah dies, and Abraham buries her

  1. Abraham and Sarah’s Death
  1. Abraham and the Hittites’ Business
  1. Abraham’s insistence to demonstrated his acknowledgment of the reality and surety of God’s promises to him, and his commitment to take God at His word, personally, and walk by faith in the very real, normal stuff of life.
  1. Abraham purchased burial property and buried Sarah in faith.
  1. What sort of decisions and actions are you making in the normal stuff of life that are driven by personal faith in God and His word, that are driven by a personal commitment to help others live by faith in God and His word?