The Beginning and Meaning of Everything that Matters Outline Isaac, Esau, and Jacob all respond in light of blessing being taken: Gen. 28:1-5 Isaac responds by sending Jacob away with his blessing Gen. 28:6-9 Esau responds by marrying a daughter of Ishmael Gen. 28:10-22 Jacob responds by going away and hearing from God What’s going on in this chapter? Isaac sends Jacob away for his preservation, and God reaffirms His covenant relationship with Jacob. Genesis 28:1-5 - ISAAC responds out of an acknowledgement to the covenant relationship Genesis 28:6-9 - ESAU responds out of an alternative to the covenant relationship Hebrews 12:14-17 Genesis 28:10-22 - JACOB responds out of an awakening to the covenant relationship Think about how this chapter functioned for the children of Israel… Think about how this chapter can function for us, today… …how three men respond when they’ve blown it… …how God responds faithfully and graciously…